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Abram's Journey Part 2

As we saw last week, the Lord says to Abram to go forth from country, relatives, and his father's house to a land which He will show him. He knew not where he was going the great faith chapter in the Bible says, Hebrews 11, but the Lord promises Abram to bless him, make him a great nation, and in him, all the families of the earth shall be blessed, Genesis 12. He went forth at the ripe age of 75 when he departed Haran on his way to Canaan. Abram took the Lord's commandments seriously as he would His promises. He kept putting one foot in front of the other, kept seeking the things above where Christ is, and kept setting his mind on things above and not things on the earth, Col.3. We know from Paul's words that that the things above are eternal, the things below temporal, 2Cor.4:18. And the Apostle John states the things of this world are passing away, but he does the will of the Father will lives forever, 1John 2:17.
God is our portion always, Psalm 73:26, set Him before you always. He will be as a cloud by day and pillar of fire by night, to lead you to the promised land. Keep practicing His presence by your thoughts of Him, your words to Him, and His words to you. Through the bright times and the dark times, you will find blessedness, strength, and peace. Abram "Went forth", something must always be given up in order to attain, reach, or accomplish something. Examples could be students, studying and reading, and not partying all the time, businessmen may have to give up free time they have or time with the family, athletes may have to stay on a strict diet and arduous training discipline. Prov.4:25-27,"Let your eyes look directly ahead, and let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you, watch the path of your feet and all your ways will be established. Do not turn to the right or left, turn your foot from evil."
The Lord had sent them out for the land of Canaan, and into the land of Canaan they came. Follow the commandments of God and He will always get you to your destination. He knows what is best for you, the trip will not be in vain. Since we do not know the future, this should affect us to keep us near God, our true North, our true Morning Star, for He will guide us one step, one day at a time. Though obedience may bring us into difficult places, come across difficult obstacles, and bump into difficult adversaries, God knows the best path to get us home, help us mature along the way, and always be an ever-present help in time of trouble, and we will finally one day know that what He thought what was best for us was indeed just that.
The obedience of Abram followed the command as thunder follows the lightning. Let us not leave any of His commands undone. They are for our good and for our survival. Romans 8:18 shows us why we shall think little of these sufferings when we finally arrive home. Alexander MacLaren states, "He unfolds His purposes to those who keep His commandments, obedience is the mother of insight." Martin Luther stated, "If you would trust God, you must crucify the question how?" We can look back on Hebrews 11, of those who ran before us, knowing we can finish the course because they finished it. The road ahead may look impossible, but hold on to His hand, hold onto His word, for He will indeed hold you fast! Remember, He is always for you and never against you.
Elder Randy Slak