Instructions for Online Meetings
Instructions for on-line meetings
During this time where meeting together is not possible or not wise, we will be using an application
called Zoom to stay better connected and to allow continued Bible Study and Teaching.
This does not change the use of Facebook Live for Sunday Morning Services. Zoom is only for smaller meetings like
Learning and Leaning, GCFs or other group meetings.
Zoom can be used on a computer, iPad, Smart Phone or on a regular phone by just dialing in (there are
separate instructions for dial in). It works best with larger screens but any device will work.
Before the meeting starts, please do the following:
- On the device that you plan to use to connect to the meeting, open your internet browser and
go to
- In the upper right corner of the screen you will see a blue button “SIGN UP, ITS FREE”
- Click that button and follow the instructions to set up an account with your email and a
password. If you are prompted to install the App – please do – it will work better that way.
There is no cost and you will only get emails telling you about upcoming meetings.
- Test your account by clicking on this meeting ID
- Zoom will open and you will be taken to a meeting. You will see yourself and you will be
asked whether you want to use computer audio or call in. You will also have the option to
show the video of yourself or not. You will probably be the only person in the meeting
(unless someone else from GCC is testing out their connection).
- Get familiar with the controls for muting your audio, raising your hand or chat (the controls
are different depending on whether you are on a computer or iPad. Close the Zoom
application when you are done.
When the meeting time comes:
- Click on the link provided for the meeting. Zoom will open and you will enter the meeting room.
Again you will have the option of using your computer’s video and audio.
- There are 2 modes for the meeting. “Active Speaker” mode will cause whoever is speaking to
pop into the main display on your computer. “Gallery View” will allow you to see up to 9 people
at once and to scroll across to see everyone else in the meeting.
- At any time during the meeting you can mute your audio (a good idea to minimize background
noise) or to turn off your video.
- During the meeting you may be invited to join a “Break-out Room”. This is just a smaller
grouping of people. The display looks the same and you have the same controls. We will use
this so that we can pray in smaller groups. YOU WILL RECEIVE A PROMPT ON YOUR SCREEN
ASKING IF YOU WANT TO ENTER THE ROOM – please accept the invitation so that you get
- When the meeting is over – click on Leave The Meeting.
Meeting Etiquette:
- When in the meeting, please mute your audio unless you have something to say. This will cut
down on the background noise.
- Please be aware of others who are trying to speak. It is more difficult to pick up on who has
something to say so please listen to see if others are speaking and watch your screen to see if
people are talking. The host will try to also help with this.
- If you feel that you are not being heard – there are controls that allow you to “Raise Your Hand”