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Believers Will Persevere Part 4

In our last time together, we spoke of four grounds or foundations of perseverance, the two we spoke of were the love of God the Father upon the immutability of the decree of His election of us, and the Son's, our Lord Jesus Christ's merit and intercession for us. In the former we see an unbreakable gold chain in Romans 8:30, that helps us be secure from falling away from the faith, and in the latter, we saw Jesus in Hebrews 7:25, being able to save forever those who draw near to God through Him. So, as we look back at the Father's electing love, and the Son's gracious redeeming love for us, today we would like to look at the other two pieces of a sure and steady foundation we have to tread on for us to finish our course. They will be that of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the covenant of grace God has made with us.

The believer who is indwelt by the power of the Spirit, another Helper sent from the Father and the Son, has an immeasurable confidence and hope that he will finish the course the Lord has put him on. This Spirit of truth will be with us forever John 14:16-17 tells us. He is the One who will guide us into all the truth, John 16:13 states. The best guides know the best paths to get us to the right destination successfully. And there is no better guide than that of the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. In Ephesians 1:13 Paul states we were "sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise". Puritan John Owen states, "The Father gives the elect into the hands of Christ to be redeemed, having redeemed them, in due time they are called by the Spirit and marked for God, and so give up themselves to the hands of the Father." See John 10:29 also.

Fourthly and last, another great pillar our perseverance is founded upon is the covenant of grace. Jeremiah 32:40, "I will make an everlasting covenant with them that I will not turn away from them, to do them good, and I will put the fear of Me in their hearts so that they will not turn away from Me. "This is a promise based on the omnipotence of our Holy God, who is immutable, One who does not change. The covenant is seen in an infinite love for us. Puritan William Gurnall states this, "He does not say they shall have His Spirit IF they walk in His statutes, no, His Spirit shall CAUSE them to do it. God revealed to David "an everlasting covenant in 2 Samuel 23:5, ordered in all things and secured." The Christian's hope is now solid, substantial, and certain. The Scriptures teach both the certainty of perseverance and the necessity of persevering. He will hold you fast. Let us finish our course with the strength He provides, that we will receive the crown of righteousness and that He will receive all the glory.

To conclude our study, certain fruits will be evident in our lives, diligent use in the means of grace, perseverance in heartfelt obedience to God's will, desire for fellowship with God, and love for His church. In all our persevering, there is divine sovereignty and human responsibility. It is not a let go and let God mentality, but a trust God and get going mentality that will help us run our race and finish our course. Acts 9:31 gives us an example of a church that continues to increase, “So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee, and Samaria enjoyed peace, being built up, and going on in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it continued to increase." Certainly, that is a good recipe for a healthy, growing, and persevering church.

Elder Randy Slak