We believe the Bible.  We proclaim the Gospel.
We love one another.  We exalt Jesus Christ. 

8400 W Beloit Rd., West Allis, WI 53227

Jesus, Forsaken by God? Part 2

Last week we looked at what seems to be the unimaginable, Christ stating on the cross that the Father
has forsaken Him. Knowing the Scriptures promise that that will never happen to His justified believers,
though in some sense, Christ had to endure some type of separation from His Father. And knowing that
sin separates us from God, Gen.4:14, Isa.59:2, Hab.3:13, we know that the Father cannot look upon sin.
And Christ had become just that, sin for us. For passages like 1Pet.2:24, 2Cor.5:21, and Rom.8:3, give us
the picture that our sin was imputed to Christ, He took it upon Himself, was punished for it, and was
made a curse for us. He drank even this ingredient, in the cup the Father gave Him to drink, being
forsaken that we might not have to.

But through all that Jesus had to endure on the cross, the hostility that He faced, the words that were
hurled at Him He heard, the lashes and crown that His body felt, there was still a joy that was set before
Him.(Heb.12:2) Yes, He would return to the Father's presence shortly, and would prepare a place for
those that the Father would give Him, that He would not lose one of them, having reconciled them in His
fleshly body through death so that they would be able to stand before Him one day, holy, blameless,
and beyond reproach.(Col.1:22) The bride of Christ will meet up one day again with Him, as they will
have desired to glorify Him on earth, He will glorify them in Heaven. He is our light that we will not walk
in darkness, He was the Man of many sorrows, that we may one day have fullness of joy, and that He
was forsaken, so that we might be forgiven.

Here was love, unmeasured, unmatched, undeserved, that this cup that He drank not pass from Him.
Though He could have desired that it pass from Him, His delight was in doing His Father's will, He would
not refuse to obey His Father's will, nor would He be unable to obey His Father's will. This cry shows us
the great hatred of sin that the Father has. He must punish it, that His wrath would be vindicated, that
He would be infinitely wise to design a way that He could be just and the justifier of the one who would
have faith in Christ Jesus. This is the matchless love of the Father, that He spared not His own Son, but
delivered Him up for us all, that Jesus loved us to the uttermost, that He is always for us and never
against us. A.W. Pink states, "'My God My God, why hast thou forsaken Me', Here was a cry of
desolation-Reader, may you never echo it. Here was a cry of separation-Reader, may you never
experience it. Here was a cry of Expiation- Reader, may you appropriate it's saving virtues."

Jesus Christ is uncomparable, Jesus Christ is altogether lovely, Jesus Christ is a Friend that sticks closer
than a brother. Oh, that we would be healthy branches that are grafted into the eternally living vine that
we may bear much fruit for Him. Oh, that we who died to sin, still not live in it. Oh, that He who died for
all, that we might no longer live for ourselves, but for Him who died and rose again on our behalf. Praise
God for His Son, a wrath satisfying, curse absorbing, transgression forgiving, debt cancelling, faith
justifying, ransom redeeming, grief bearing, sorrow carrying, Savior. To God be the Glory, What a Savior,
the most indescribable gift!

Elder Randy Slak
