We believe the Bible.  We proclaim the Gospel.
We love one another.  We exalt Jesus Christ. 

8400 W Beloit Rd., West Allis, WI 53227

Summer Is Here

Finally! It seems like it has taken a long time, but our three summer months here in Wisconsin are just ready now to begin. So as that begins, we need to continue our being involved in the disciplines of Godliness. Paul tells us in 1Tim.4:7, that we should discipline ourselves for the purpose of Godliness. Jay Adams states that the secret to Godliness is discipline. He says, "The word discipline has disappeared from minds, mouths, and pulpits in our culture. Modern American society hardly knows what discipline means. Yet, apart from discipline, there is no other way to attain Godliness; discipline is God's path to Godliness." Why do I bring this topic up at the beginning of the summer season? Because summer is here, and the living is easy! And discipline can easily take a back seat or not even be found in our enjoyment of so many activities that present themselves to us now.
Though our Lord enables us to pursue Godliness, we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling. (Phil.2:12) Like peace, we must seek and pursue it. It is not the time of the year to let go and let God, but trust God and get going! We do not want to fly from Christ for the summer months into a Christless summer of leisure. The Greek word for discipline is “Gumnazo”, from which we get our English word gymnasium from. It should be a vigorous exercising of the body or mind, and conveys the picture of rigorous, persevering, diligent, strenuous, self-sacrificing training like that of an athlete preparing for a contest. In 1Cor.9:24-27, Paul gives us a excellent model on what this discipline looks like and what it will accomplish. Paul uses this word in 1 Timothy in the present imperative tense, simply pointing out that this activity of disciplining ourselves is to be continually, and habitually following this command.
With a bit more time for fun and freedom, we may easily be tempted to find plenty of time for leisure while neglecting or skimping on prayer and the word. The word is always for our good and often for our survival, we cannot afford to take our eyes and our minds off of it. If we are to pray without ceasing (1Thess.5:17) and knowing the Psalmist meditates on His law day and night (Psalm 1:2), there is too much at stake to take a vacation from these things. We can easily turn lazy, opening ourselves up to and having to pay with lives of shallowness, powerlessness, vulnerability to sin, a lesser quality of relationships, and a frighteningly scary loss of interest in worship, fellowship, and the things of the Spirit. Col.3:1-2," Therefore, if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things of the earth.
1 John 2:15 states, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not him." Similarly, in Math.6:24, Jesus says, "You cannot serve two masters." Jesus Christ is the refreshing center and creator of summer. And everything He made is good. Let us not allow our souls to become parched this summer, but enjoy continual refreshment in the author and perfecter of our faith, the Lord Jesus Christ! Let us keep prayer, Bible study, memory cards, worship, and fellowship near us continually this summertime. For He is the light of the world, who made the light that guides the day for us to enjoy. Enjoy the summer with its picnics, outdoor barbecues, long walks, and vacations for His honor and glory and continually living in the love of God for your benefit. Summer is here, and the living is easy! May it be one that is prosperous to your soul!
Elder Randy Slak