We believe the Bible.  We proclaim the Gospel.
We love one another.  We exalt Jesus Christ. 

8400 W Beloit Rd., West Allis, WI 53227

The Providence of God Part 1

Providence, what is that and is God providential over all things that happen? Where, if anywhere, is luck or fate found? Can something happen to God's surprise? What do the Scriptures say, the great theologians that teach us, or that which we see happening to us? A lot of deep perplexing questions can be asked, and we know some will be too deep to figure out (like Peter (John 13:7)), but someday we will have a greater understanding of what the Lord is doing. Before we get into some definitions of providence found in some great minds, catechisms, and confessions of faith, let us try to find some examples of what this providence looks like in the Scriptures. God does nothing without there being purpose in it. Events are always purposeful. Abraham and Isaac, in Genesis 22:1-14, Abraham follows the direction of God to sacrifice his only son Isaac. It was surely a test by God (Verse 1), and as time moved on, just as Abraham raises the knife, the angel of the Lord intervenes, he now knows that Abraham fears God. And God sees to it that a ram is caught in the thicket for Abraham to sacrifice. God in His reign over all things has purpose in all of it and sees to it that it will take place.

Providence shows purpose by God seeing to it that certain things happen to bring it about. In the life of Joseph in Genesis, God saw to it that Joseph would be sold into slavery, though his brothers were responsible for that sin (Gen.37:28), and we see God's purpose in it (Gen.50:20) was to preserve many people. And from a personal standpoint: years ago the GCC prayer chain (now via e-mail) was done by land line phone. Demetra and I attended GCC but did not converse at the church, until she was given the prayer requests from the person in front of her via phone.  She was to call me next to relay these requests. I just happened to be next by God's providence to listen to and began talking to her. Now 32 plus year of marriage later, we look back and see God's purpose in it all, by seeing to it that I was on the prayer chain next for her to call.

Thirteenth century saint Thomas Aquinas stated, "All things are subject to divine providence, not only in general, but even in their own individual selves...All things that exist in whatsoever manner are neccessarily directed by God towards

some end." Chance, luck, fate, is not part of the equation that God uses to bring things about. In HIS infinite wisdom, knowing the end from the beginning, HIS will will be done. The omnipotent ONE will not be thwarted by anyone or anything. How did you come to know the Lord? HIS hand of providence was in it. I was to take a bicycle trip out of state to meet someone from another state to hear about Jesus. Providence is not the same as predestination or eternal decree, but rather is the carrying out of that decree within the time and space of HIS creation.

The Heidelberg Catechism of 1563, a protestant document in the form of questions and answers, states in question 27 what we mean by the providence of God, "The almighty and everywhere present power of God; whereby, as it were by HIS hand, HE upholds and governs heaven, earth, and all creatures; so that herbs and grass, rain and drought, fruitful and barren years, meat and drink, health and sickness, riches and poverty, yea, and all things, come not by chance, but by HIS fatherly hand." And knowing that, "How unsearchable are HIS judgements and unfathomable HIS ways” (Rom.11:34). We may not see the reason in the providence of God in our lifetime, it may continue to just look like muck and mire. But remember WHO knows the number of hairs on your head (Luke 12:7), and not one sparrow will fall to the ground without HIS allowing it (Math.10:29). Through His work of providence in us, our tests, trials, afflictions, which will be many, are here for us to mature in our faith, produce endurance for our long hall on earth, and to be more conformed into the image and likeness of our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ. More on providence next time.

Elder Randy Slak